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I completed this project for a school assignment in Unreal Engine 5.1 in 2022, and it took about 2-3 weeks to develop. The assignment was to develop a Level that changes scenario when the player visits the same area twice.

  • First act of the level is discovery of the main objective (electrical substation) and then some traversal & exploration towards that goal.

  • The second act is where the player first encounter enemies & destroys the electrical substation.

  • And the third act the player must fight through waves of enemies & avoid a close encounter with a tank in order to get back to the players escape vehicle.


Below are some cool screenshots of the level and some videos of cool moments, and further down you can read about some of the visual scripting I did in this project!


I did a lot of cool stuff this project, learned about the ALS template, implemented shooting functionality for the AI & player character, used the Chaos Destruction scripts I made from a previous project and a bunch of smaller scripts. You can find the Chaos Destruction project HERE!


Below are the Tank and Character scripts I scripted and used in the level. They are super rough and I would have loved to optimize and iterate on them, but at least they are working as intended as a first draft.

Tank BP

PRESS [Fullscreen] to view the whole script.
HOLD [Right Mouse Button] to navigate around.

Character BP

PRESS [Fullscreen] to view the whole script.
HOLD [Right Mouse Button] to navigate around.

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